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Could Maxi View Blind Spot Mirrors Be The Only Ones Not Asleep At The Wheel?

Think about the madness of this situation for a moment if you will: Your grandmother is driving along the local interstate highway. She is moving at a reasonable speed of about 50 miles an hour. Enjoying her trip she is looking forward to getting home and planting the bulbs she just picked up from her sister’s house. Up ahead she sees another vehicle traveling considerably slow in the same lane she is traveling in. She decides to change lanes now to avoid being caught behind the Sunday driver. What does she do?

Perhaps she may do what she was taught to do way back when she was learning to drive. We were told then and are still taught today to take our eyes off the road and twist our body in the seat so that we can look over our shoulder to check that there is nobody traveling in our blind spot. Should we use only our side mirrors we will not be able to see the area that these stock standard factory produced mirrors reflect; the blind spot.

Just to recap; your grandmother is traveling – at speed and has to take her eyes from the road – at speed and look behind her to see if there is anyone in her blind spot. Is this utter madness? There has to be a better – safer way! One ‘solution’ was to replace the existing mirrors on the vehicle with a fish eye or bubble lens mirror. Now, call me crazy but if I am trying to avoid hitting another object in my blind spot for fear of it killing me or at the very least damaging my vehicle – why would I want it to be reduced in size? This is the true madness of the situation.

Maxi View Blind Spot Mirrors appear to be the only ones not asleep at the wheel who is concerned with our safety. Rather than reducing the size of the object we are trying not to hit, Maxi View took the obvious and yet seemingly revolutionary step of enlarging the object.