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Eliminating the Blind Spot

You’re driving down the freeway, worn out from a long day at work. You need to change lanes, so you merge off at the next exit, but you just don’t feel up to turning your head to properly check your blind spot. Instead, you rely on your regular side view mirrors- or worse, mirrors with distorting bubble or fisheye mirrors attached- and simply hope that no one is in the other lane. If you’re lucky, you’re right- no one is obscured by your vehicle’s blind spot, but if you’re unlucky, you’ve just caused a deadly accident at top speeds. How can you avoid this scenario? By investing in the latest Blind Spot Mirror, you can eliminate your blind spot and change lanes with ease, even when you are exhausted from an extensive day at the office.

What makes this Blind Spot Mirror different is its unique adjustability through a 360˚ rotating ball and swivel, which allows any driver of any shape or size to see what they might otherwise miss with a stationary bubble or fisheye mirror. Its sleek, stylish design will attach in minutes and look at home on all types of mirrors, including motorhome mirrors, motorcycle mirrors, and towing mirrors. With an adhesive designed originally to provide instantaneous battlefield surgical stitches, the MaxiView Blind Spot Mirror is sure to stay on no matter what, but can still be easily removed following the product’s instructions and attached to another vehicle. So don’t worry about getting a new car; simply take your MaxiView Blind Spot Mirror with you!

Don’t let another tired moment cause you to potentially have a costly and even fatal accident on the freeway, and don’t depend on inferior stick on mirrors that distort your view. Invest in the MaxiView Blind Spot Mirror and eliminate that annoying blind spot.