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Enhance Your Vision When Towing

If we are to think about the use of mirrors to reflect what we deem as necessary, it becomes apparent that the size and angle of the mirror is important in getting the most vision we require. Think of it like this; imagine yourself trying on a new pair of jeans in a store which has a dressing room where they only provide mirrors that are palm size. How much of the image do you need to see to ascertain your happiness with the product?

The same is true when it comes to trucks used to tow vehicles. When the truck is towing a vehicle, the entire length of the additional load will not be reflected by the standard side mirrors. This means that the opportunity for blind spots to be apparent has been increased and this can be a prime opportunity for accidents and collisions to occur.

It is therefore important to think about safe towing and this involves working on your visibility. This can be achieved by affixing the innovative blind spot mirror by MaxiView to the top corner of the existing side mirrors. These mirrors sit in the space that would otherwise only reflect the sky, thus enabling a vastly enhanced scope of vision.

¬Maxi View blind spot mirrors will ensure that the driver is able to maintain the safety of what is being towed and those other vehicles and objects within their radius. MaxiView blind spot mirrors allow drivers to see the areas to the side and rear of the vehicle where the blind spot occurs. Easy to attach with the all-weather bonding strip that can withstand some of the harshest elements, the MaxiView blind spot mirrors can also be removed effortlessly and placed once more on another vehicle should you wish.