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Making lane changing convenient and safer

Most drivers rely on their judgment while making lane changes because some vehicles are not visible due to the blind spots. Some people are accustomed to taking a glimpse over their shoulders to see if there are any vehicles in their way of moving from one lane to another. Under both these circumstances, it can be dangerous to make lane changes as you may still miss an oncoming vehicle that is driving in your vehicle’s blind spot. Sometimes such accidents can be fatal and cause severe damage to lives and property. Therefore, you need a more efficient method to eliminate these blind spots to make lanes changes safer.

One such method is the use of blind spot mirrors, which are attachable to the inner edges of the side mirrors. The attachable mirrors expand your view of the surrounding area by almost three times the view provided by the regular mirrors. The inner edges are the least used part of the side mirror because it reflects the sky. Therefore, you are increasing the usability of the side mirrors by attaching these modern mirrors. Unlike the fish eye or the bubble mirrors, you can see a clear and undistorted view of an expanded area around your vehicle.

The mirrors are easily attached to any type of vehicle mirrors, such as towing mirror, motorhome mirror, and motorcycle mirror. The stick-on mirrors use an all-weather superior adhesive bonding strip to fix the mirrors on the side mirror surface. The high quality adhesive ensures the mirrors stick on and do not fall off in heavy rains or stormy weather. The mirrors can be attached in a few simple steps without the aid of any tools. Moreover, the blind spot mirrors are priced at a very reasonable rate that makes these affordable for all vehicle owners.