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Should motorcycles have blind spot mirrors?

It would be easy to think that motorcycles do not need blind spot mirrors. After all, they are small and there is much less to obstruct the rider’s view. However, the fact is that motorbikes have blind spots too and need blind spot mirrors.

The blind spots on a bike are indeed smaller than those on a car or truck, but they do exist. The rider will find that even with the occasional glance at his wing mirrors, angled as they can be better on a bike than a car, there will be areas to the rear and rear quarter not covered.

As with all side mirrors, the problem is that the view is limited and although they can be adjusted, there is always a gap. On a bike, which has no rear view mirror, the driver may well be tempted to angle the side mirrors in at the rear of the bike. This would allow a good view of the area directly behind.

However, this in turn will enlarge the area to the rear quarter not covered by the mirrors. It would be all too easy for another vehicle, particularly another bike, to be hidden in that area.

The bike should be fitted with blind spot mirrors. This might be extensions to the existing mirrors. They might be fitted over or on to the existing mirrors or they might have long brackets giving a much wider perspective. They might just be in place of the existing mirrors but have a bubble lens, giving a larger field of view, but with a different feel for the distances involved.

Either way, the effect is to cover more of the area behind the rider’s natural and direct field of vision and so cut down the blind spot and increase safety for all.